Ferrari slot car | ferrari slot car racing

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Machine into existence in 1885 and since then the world's obsession of their speed and luxury only increased. Today, racing action was passion and people look at the Formula One or Moto GP champions as gods. However, for those who do not want to risk their lives at breakneck speed racing part, is always a choice of models such as the Slot Car Racing Car Racing.

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Slot Cars is a miniature electrically operated machine that was set up originally as an adult hobby items but now are sold as toys. Communities, they will run in the woods, or slot machines which are equipped with the help of leaves, as in the appendix. One car only runs on a single slots. Slot Cars run on motor integrated in the car. Engine's power is supplied to the vehicle group in metal slots. Each slot is connected power source, ensuring that the supply remains through the race. In order to avoid the loss of contact slots (deslotting), some machines magnetitzats leaves. Hand lever controls the speed (acceleration) is placed in the hands of brokers.

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Slot Car Racing has become the international competitions, surprising events are held annually. In America there are two organizations dedicated to home-scale Slot Cars, in particular, the United Federation of Head Racers Association (UFHORA /) and the Association of Career Headquarters (HOPRA). Both organizations hold annual events around the country on July, while international events are held in February. The events were designed not only to Slot Car Racing, but also to increase the general enthusiasm about them. Events will include exhibitions and parades and Slot Cars and sometimes even trade and swap meets. Main purpose is to Slot Car Racing legitimate sport and help slot car aficionados meet people of similar tastes.

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